Getting scholarship is the desire of every student. If writing is your hobby, It is the time to utilise it and make some handsome amount of money. You are required to write an essay on one of the topics mentioned on our official website. Please note that we have strict plagiarism policy so essay must be unique. Last time, we received more than 1,000 essay samples so write your essay with best of your knowledge.
Total of 3 scholarships will be awarded to selected students and they will be contacted via their given contact address.
Students from all backgrounds are eligible for this scholarship as long as they follow the guidelines mentioned on official website.
Test your English
Prepare for your study by taking the most popular and most accepted English language proficiency test. Schedule an IELTS test
Three students will be chosen among all candidates and each student will win $5000 which He/She can utilise for study expenses.
Please visit official website for application process.
- $5000
- Deadline: 31 July 2018
- Bachelor, Master, PHD