Western University believes in rewarding students’ pursuit of excellence with one of Canada’s most extensive and attractive scholarship programs. Their National Scholarship Program is designed to recognize exceptional undergraduate students who demonstrate the highest levels of academic and extracurricular achievement.
For the 2016/2017 academic year, the Western National Scholarship Program includes the following scholarships:
- Five President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $65,000 ($20,000 for year one, $15,000 annually for years two to four) and up to 15 at $50,000 ($10,000 annually, plus $10,000 towards first-year residence costs);
- Three International President’s Entrance Scholarships valued at $50,000 ($10,000 annually, plus $10,000 towards first year residence costs). These scholarships are reserved for international (visa) students (not Canadian citizens or Permanent residents of Canada);
- Up to 15 Faculty Entrance Scholarships valued at $30,000 ($6,000 annually, plus $6,000 towards first-year residence costs);
- Up to 39 National Scholarship Study Abroad Awards redeemable for participation in a Western approved study abroad program. Valued at $2,500 for up to 4 months (one term), $5,000 for over 4 months (more than one term);
- One Beryl Ivey Continuing Entrance Award valued at $64,000 ($16,000 per academic year for a period of four years);
- Up to 50 National Merit Awards valued at $2,000 for one year.
More info at: http://www.uwo.ca/