Virtual production has exploded thanks in large part to the success and groundbreaking production techniques introduced by The Mandalorian television show on Disney+. In this microcredential, you will learn how to use the real-time rendering tools in the Unity3D game engine to explore the principles and techniques of virtual production. Using easily accessible online resources, including your own mobile device, you will assemble and simulate a virtual production shot while learning how the elements come together behind-the-scenes to create a seamless experience for viewers.
This microcredential is designed for you if you are a recent graduate of an interactive media, game design, or visual effects and 3D modelling program and you want to add virtual production to your skillset. It could also be of interest to you if you have some experience with the Unity3D game engine. If you don’t, you may want to access Unity Learn for an introduction to the software before starting this microcredential. You should also be familiar with the creation of 3D assets and would benefit from a knowledge of compositing and visual effects.
The Virtual Production – Unity microcredential was developed with funding from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
Program Highlights
- Expand your existing knowledge of 3D assets and game engines to better position yourself as a virtual production specialist
- enhance your specialization as a Unity developer
- learn approaches to virtual production for a diverse of range of films, such as independent and smaller budget productions
- Virtual Production – Unity
This microcredential builds on your existing knowledge of 3D assets and game engines to position you as a virtual production specialist. By learning the techniques and tools available on the platform, you will enhance your specialization as a Unity developer and learn approaches suited for a diverse of range of films.
Skills and Competencies
learn how to create a new Unity3D high-definition render pipeline project for virtual production
build a virtual scene in Unity3D by lighting, laying out and composing objects using a combination of high-resolution assets and other art tools
import and place transparent video footage in a Unity3D scene
download, install and connect an iPad or iPhone to Unity3D using the virtual camera app
record, shoot and integrate virtual camera footage from an iPad or iPhone
use Unity3D Cinemachine to create cinematic camera movements
record and export a high-resolution video from Unity3D
Your Career
Virtual production is a rapidly growing field of specialization in the film and television industry. It combines the flexibility and power of contemporary game engines with the look and experience of a film, while making the process more efficient and sustainable. Specialists are in-demand at post-production studios and creative digital production houses across Canada.