“Big News! S-Trip! is so amazed by the incredible things our students are up to, we’ve decided to award a $1,000 tuition scholarship every 4 months! Apply now – the first winner will be announced December 2nd!
The S-Trip! Amazing Travel Scholarship program recognizes passionate students who have big dreams – they have plans to pursue
post-secondary education, they’re involved in their communities, and they love adventure!
Every 4 months, S-Trip! will be awarding a $1,000 tuition scholarship to one amazing student. Fill out our online application form to enter, and your entry will be eligible for 1 full year – so you don’t need to reapply! The first winner will be announced on December 2nd, 2013.
This scholarship is open to students in Grade 11 and Grade 12 living in Canada or the United States. Visit www.s-trip.com/scholarships to apply now!”