The two President’s Awards for the Outstanding Native Student of the Year are presented to First Nations students of aboriginal ancestry (Status, Non-Status, Metis, Inuit). One of the $4,000 awards is given to a student in an undergraduate program (Arts and Science, Music, Physical Education and Health, APSC) and the other goes to a student in a graduate program (masters or doctorate) or second-entry professional program (Dentistry, Education, Law, Medicine). The recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement and previous and/or intended contribution to the native community. Student must be studying full-time and involved in course work.
- be First Nations students of aboriginal ancestry (Status, Non-Status, Metis, Inuit);
- be studying full-time and involved in course work;
- show academic achievement and previous and/or intended contribution to the native community.
Deadline to Apply: Academic Year , 2017-2018.
More info at :
Enrolment Services
St. George Street
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5R 0A3 (416) 978-2190