Trinity College is a small academic college with a long and illustrious history within the University of Toronto, the largest university in Canada. A small, distinctive college at the heart of a great university, Trinity offers an exceptional academic experience and fosters community, responsibility and leadership.
He Bronskill Prize.
This award recognizes a student that contributes greatly to the College through extracurricular activities. It is offered to help finance the cost of residence at Trinity College for one year. Recipient must:
- have made strong contributions to extracurricular College activities;
- enrol on a full-time basis in the second, third or fourth year of an undergraduate program in Arts and Science at Trinity College, Toronto for the 2018-2019 year;
- be a resident of Ontario;
- meet current criteria for financial need (normally qualifying for OSAP);
- normally have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.70;
- spend the year of the Prize award in residence (the recipient is guaranteed a spot in residence).
The application requires that you submit a full resume and a letter describing how this award will further your academic plan and student life along with a completed Budget Form for Application Awards.
Application: On-line
Deadline: January 18, 2018
Value: up to $5,000 (one award)
Awarded: February 2018 (prior to the residence reapplication deadline), payment made in September 2018
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