Hamilton Community Foundation’s scholarships and bursary funds provide assistance and encouragement to promising young students challenged by the costs of education. In all cases, the funds are paid directly to the student’s educational institution on his or her behalf. The following HCF scholarship, bursary and fellowships are available through an open-call process.
David Davis Memorial Fund
This fund’s priorities include supporting students of music at the post-secondary level with tuition and educational expenses. Preference will be given to students who are studying voice and have an affiliation with one or more of the following organizations: The Hamilton Children’s Choir, Canadian Orpheus Male Choir, Ars Antiqua Choir (Burlington), St. Luke’s Anglican Church Choir (Burlington) and Christ’s Church Cathedral Choir (Hamilton).
Deadline to apply: October 1st
Chaney Ensign Bursary:
This fund provides educational bursaries to students with serious financial need who have graduated from a publicly funded high school in the Hamilton and who are attending an approved college or university in Canada or the United States, for specialized studies.
- Have graduated from a publically funded high school in Hamilton
- Have need for financial assistance
- Are enrolled as a fulltime student; or are registered and in attendance at an approved college or university in Canada or for specialized programs in the United States or abroad
- Have applied to OSAP
- Deadlines to apply: October 1st and February 1st
Geritol Follies Bursary Fund:
Thus fund supports students in performing arts and those studying radio, television, arts administration.
- Have graduated from a publically funded high school in Hamilton or Burlington
- Have need for financial assistance
- Are a student of voice, drama, dance or musical instruments who has been accepted for admission to a recognized college, university or institute in Canada or the United States (in some cases, students pursuing a career in radio, television or arts administration may also be considered
- Have applied to OSAP (student may still apply for bursary if rejected for OSAP assistance)
- Deadline to apply: October 1st
More info at: http://hamiltoncommunityfoundation.ca/grants/scholarships-bursaries/