Available to a full-time student of Native descent (Status, Non-Status, Inuit or Metis) enrolled in the second-year of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at either a college or a university in Ontario that is recognized by the Ontario College of Nursing. A 2-page essay must be submitted that describes the applicant’s qualifications for the award. The applicant must provide two letters of reference from native-community leaders. This is a continuation scholarship that is available to the recipient for each year of their program, providing that the recipient maintains a full course load and good academic standing (minimum GPA of 3.0).
Eligibility : FT student of Native descent (Status, Non-Status, Inuit or Metis) enrolled in the 2nd yr of a B.Sc in Nursing program, min. GPA of 3.0.
External Scholarship
Documentation Required :
- 2-page essay
- Letter from native-community (2)
- College/university transcript
- High school transcript.
Deadline: October 13, 2017.
Academic Year : 2017-2018
More info at : https://student.ftlams.com/result.aspx?surl=1a4248ad-333d-4384-a410-5dd892bbd545…