The CFUW Aboriginal Women’s Award (AWA) will be awarded for the academic year 2016- 2017 and be within the value range of $10,000 – $25,000. The value of this award is established by a formula which adjusts for the variation in the cost of tuition for different programs across Canada. The formula also allows for future awards to be adjusted based on higher tuition. The award is renewable as it is designed to help a CFUW AWA Recipient by providing the award for a second year.
- Canadian Aboriginal woman studying in Canada;
- Who Holds or will hold an undergraduate university degree or equivalent before the CFUW AWA for which she applied is granted;
- Must have applied to be a full-time student in any year of an eligible program at a recognized or accredited Canadian post-secondary degree-granting institution.
Deadline: November 01, 2015
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