Brock University is a public research university located in St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada.Brock offers a wide range of programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including professional degrees. It is the only school in Canada and internationally to offer the MICA (Mathematics Integrated with Computing and Applications) program. The following are scholarships for Ontario high school students entering Brock University this year.
Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award
These honours are awarded to incoming secondary school students from all faculties. These individuals have demonstrated excellence academically and personally through community leadership. These $8,000 ($2,000 per year) awards are renewed based on membership in the society. All members who receive the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society Award become members of the society.
Goodman Scholarship
Goodman Scholarships are awarded to students entering the Goodman School of Business who have demonstrated at least two of the following: Leadership in school life and community life or provide evidence of entrepreneurial talent, Exceptional high academic grades and Financial need. These awards are valued at up to $8,000 and may be renewed based on a minimum 75% average at Brock University.
Niagara Principal’s Scholarship
If you’re graduating from high school, plan to go to Brock, have excellent grades, and you’re engaged in your school and community, start the nomination process for this new $2,500 scholarship.
Deadline March 31, 2016
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