The Canadian Hydrographic Association award was created in 1992 under the leadership of Barry M. Lusk, the National President of the Canadian Hydrographic Association, during the years 1987 to 1990.
The perpetual funds necessary to finance the award were earned by the CHA through the management of a CIDA project that was then under the direction of Thomas McCulloch, ex Director General of CCIW. Mr. McCulloch’s CIDA projects focused on creating hydrographic expertise in developing countries during a period of about 15 years. The CHA’s professional sponsorship of these endeavours provided real time support of worthwhile hydrographic related activities. The first CHA “Award for Deserving Students” was made in 1993 and has continued providing the very generous $2000 per year assistance since that time.
Criteria and eligibility:
- The applicant must be a full time student in an accredited post secondary program in the field of Geomatics (the program must have a Hydrographic Survey or Ocean Science component) in a university or technological college anywhere in Canada. Other programs may be deemed eligible at the discretion of the Manager of this award.
- The award will be available to undergraduate students in a degree or diploma program that conforms to the basic subject topic. The applicant will be required to submit a transcript of his/her most recent post secondary marks at the time of application. The marks must indicate an upper level standing in the class and under no condition less than 70%.
- The award will be presented to an applicant who can demonstrate a bona fide financial need, coupled with an above average academic performance as stated above.
- The applicant will be required to write a short paragraph explaining his/her financial need in a clear, concise manner on the application form or, if necessary, attached piece of paper. The importance of this aspect of the application is emphasized.
- Deadline: June 30, 2014
- More information at: