Ann Collins Whitmore, a dedicated physiotherapist who served her patients from the beginning of her career in the Canadian Military during the Second World War through to the end of her career when she continued to practice though legally blind, awards applicants who have completed a professional physiotherapy program and are enrolled in a PhD or post-professional Masters Program. Applicants must be involved in a research project that is part of the academic requirements for completion of their program. Special consideration is made for blind individuals. Scholarships are awarded for up to $4,000 each. The scholarship is for seed funds for mainly pilot or feasibility projects.
- Successful candidates pursuing a Master’s or PhD in physiotherapy should preferably devote themselves for a period of 12 consecutive months (3 semesters) to the subject of the Award.
- Assistance may be provided to candidates enrolled on a half-time basis.
- Successful candidates must be involved in a physiotherapy research project that forms part of the academic requirements for the completion of their degree programme. The research project must be congruent with the mission of the PFC.
- At least 50% of the applicant’s time must be spent on activities related to the award.
- Candidates may have other sources of scholarship support as long as the total value of the support, with this Scholarship, does not exceed $25,000.
- Deadline: January 31, 2014
- More information at: